Face to face with the past. Event that hosted by the Municipality of Chania in collaboration with the Municipal Port Fund of Chania, the KEPPEDIX-KAM and the Hellenic Mediterenian University this Thuesday 7 September at 6’o clock Chania welcomes Myrtida and Mr.Papagrigoraki in a online event with the possibility of free participation through the followed links
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 989 0592 7425
We look forward to see you all join in the event to know the history of Myrtida, the challenges that she overcame, the technologies that applied ,the way she inspired scientists and artists and the path that she followed to become recognized internationally as a ‘’ friend of the millennium development goals of OHE’’, to become a stamp by ELTA, a currency from the National Mint and much more.
This event will be greeted by the Mayor of Chania Mr. Panagiotis Simandirakis, the rector of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Mr. Nikolaos Katsarakis and the director of the Design Manufacturing and Automation Laboratory of the department of Electronic Engineerig of HMU, associate professor Mr.Manolis Maravelakis. The main speaker will be the ‘’father’’ of Myrtida Mr.Manolis Papagrigorakis. The coordinator of this event will be Mrs. Marianna Alogdianni, head of the carrer office of HMU. At the end of the presentation there will be the opportunity of live discussion and answer questions.
From 8th until 30th of September 2021 with free entrance the citizens and visitors of the city of Chania will be able to visit the exhibition at the Giali Tzami