Research Projects

Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL): “Lip3D – Living forever the Past through a 3Digital world”

Total project budget: 2.083.932 €.
Budget for HMU:  241.927 €.
Project duration: Okt. 2024 – Mar. 2026.
Project  Coordinator (for HMU) : E. Maravelakis

Participating institutions: Universita Degli Studi Gabriele D’annunzio Di Chieti-Pescara (Coordinator), Politecnico Di Bari, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Astrolabe SA, Eratosthenes Centre of Excellence, Uniwersytet Warszawski, People In Focus, Ud’anet Srl,

Short project description: Leveraging new scientific and technological frontiers allows broader engagement with cultural heritage by accurately understanding ancient sites and societies. Virtual visits and 3D models make these experiences accessible to all, overcoming physical and geographical barriers. This project aims to use various digital tools to recreate and bring to life archaeological sites, providing immersive experiences that enhance education and enjoyment for all ages.

Hubert Curien Cooperation Programme: “Automatic stone-by-stone segmentation using Artificial Intelligence and images for diagnosis and BIM applications of Cultural Heritage Monuments. – AI4HBIM

Total project budget: 10,000 €.
Project duration: 1/1/2024 – 31/12/2025.
Project  Coordinator: E. Maravelakis

 Short project description: Creation of an automated system for detecting damages and recognizing fundamental structural elements of monuments using artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques.

Greek Ministry of Culture: Lyceum of Greek Women of Chania – Integrated Digital Documentation and Promotion of 20th Century Collections: “Urban Household of Chania” and “Textiles and Designs by Florentini Kaloutsis”

Total project budget: 7,000 €.
Project duration: 1/10/2021 – 31/12/2021.
HMU Coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Participating institutions: Lyceum of Greek Women of Chania, Hellenic Mediterranean University,

Short project description: Complete digital 2D & 3D documentation of the historical exhibits of the Lyceum of Greek Women of Chania. Creation of 3D virtual exhibits of high precision. Development of 3D printing-ready exhibits. Dynamic website development.

GSRT – Special Actions “OPEN INNOVATION IN CULTURE” (NSRF 2014-2020), Project Code T6YVP-00190, ” Modeling of archaeological uncertainty by combining modern 3D surveying methods for scientific documentation and promotion of cultural heritage. Application at the archaeological site of Delphi. ” – 3D4DELPHI .

Total project budget: 593,259 €.
Project duration: 1/6/2020 – 30/5/2023.
Scientific Coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Participating bodies: Astrolavos Techniki OE, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Ministry of Culture & Sports – Ephorate of Antiquities of Fokida, Technical University of Crete, Creative Development Thinking, JGC Geoinformatics Systems SA

Short project description: The objective of the proposed project is the development of new innovative methods of documentation, analysis and promotion of cultural heritage monuments combining, for the first time, modern techniques of 3D surveying and the mathematical modeling of archaeological uncertainty, by incorporating it in the three-dimensional reconstruction of archaeological monuments.

RDP 2014-2020, Measure 16.1-16.2, “Innovative Tackling of the Olive Tree”.

Total Project Budget: € 150,000.
Project duration: 01/05/2021 – 30/04/2023
EV (from the side of ELMEPA): G. Fouskitakis

Participating bodies: Agricultural Association of Stavia, ELGO / IELYA, ElMepa, Vassiliadis Anesti,

Short project description: In the project “Innovative Tackling of the Olive Tree” modern technological solutions of electronic systems, automation and informatics will be applied for the substantial technological modernization of the bait spray method, which is the only environmentally friendly integrated management method. (IPM)] of the olive grove.

Erasmus + Capacity Building, 597931 – EPP-1-2018-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, “Applied Curricula in technology for East Africa – ACTEA“.

Total project budget: 998,345 €.
Project duration: 15/11/2018 – 14/11/2021
HMU Coordinators: L. Doitsidis, G. Fouskitakis

Short description of the project: The ACTEA project aims to fulfil the specific needs in engineering, provide better skills matching, deliver course material in 2 specializations, Computer Aided Manufacturing Technology and Electrical Engineering & Automation and, establish technologic laboratories, with virtual and remote accessibility, establish learning tools, give academic staff additional training on technology and in developing technologic course material according to EU standards.

NT4D – YPAAT “Pilot application of new technologies for the monitoring and control of Dako populations in various olive growing areas of Greece”.

Total project budget: 144,000 €.
Project duration: 15/10/2018 – 07/12/20
HMU Coordinator: G. Fouskitakis

Participating institutions: ELGO / IELYA, University of the Aegean, ELMEPA, FORTH / IMBB, Ministry of Regional Development, PAOK Chania, Heraklion, Rethymno, Lassithi, Samos, Lesvos, Fokida, Kyparissia

Short project description: NT4D aims at the coordinated pilot application of new technologies, methodologies and tools in the implementation of homicide and aims, through their optimization and gradual familiarization of the stakeholders, in their further overall integration in the EPD. The ultimate goal is the rational management of the available media throughout the country and the upgrading and modernization of the EDP which has been implemented for a number of years without substantial improvements and technological upgrades.

RT-SAFE, Provision of consulting services on:

3D Design and Modeling
Reverse engineering
3D Prints of medical physical models.

Budget 1K.
Project duration: 4-8-2015 to 1-7-2016.
EV Project: E. Maravelakis

Archimedes III: “Development of an integrated system for the optimization of the bait spray process against dacos, using modern automation techniques”.

Budget: 82K.
Project duration: 1-1-2012 to 31-11-2015.
HMU Coordinator: G. Fouskitakis

Brief description of the project: The purpose of the project is the design and development of an automated system for the implementation and monitoring of the process of bait spraying against the olive grove, offering minimization of human intervention, increase of hygiene and safety during their execution, improved protection olives versus dakos with simultaneous improvement of the final product quantitatively and qualitatively.

Archimedes III: “TLS-PRO: New Terrestrial Laser Scan (TLS) data processing methods for vertical applications”.

Budget: 82K.
Project duration: 1-1-2012 to 31-11-2015.
HMU Coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Short project description: The solution of the problems from the application of the 3D laser scanning methodology with the development of new methods for processing 3D terrestrial scanner data. The proposed methodology is based on the development of new algorithms for processing the primary point cloud generated by the scans.

GSRT – Cooperation 2009: 3D-SYSTEK – “System of Documentation – Promotion – Utilization of Cultural Heritage Monuments through integrated 3D Mapping, Modeling and Metadata Recording”,

Total Budget: € 587.71
Project duration: 1-4-2011 to 17-8-2014.
HMU Coordinator: E. Maravelakis.

Participating bodies: Astrolavos Techniki OE, TEI of Crete, FORTH

Short description of the project: The purpose of the project is the development of a System of Documentation – Promotion – Utilization of Cultural Heritage Monuments that will combine:

  • The processes of 3D mapping of cultural heritage objects through laser scanning.
  • The three-dimensional modeling of these through modern software solutions.
  • The recording of metadata and commentary information both during the data collection and processing phases, as well as on their final 3D products.

Green Development: “Digitization of Vouves Olive Museum”

Total Budget: 50K.

Project duration: 1-10-2010 to 31-11-2010.
HMU Coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Short project description: A complete 3D documentation and virtual presentation of the Olive Museum of Vouves

GSRT – Innovation Vouchers: “Provision of expert consulting services in the field of 3D digitization and imaging and development of 3D imaging data processing applications for the creation of 3-D exhibits and 3-D virtual web browsing”.

Budget: 7K
Project duration: 15-4-2011 to 15-6-2011.

HMU coordinator: E. Maravelakis

INTERREG IIIA: NANO-SPIN, “Artificial Tissue Substrates with Rapid Prototyping and Electroconduction of Nanofibers”, TEI of Crete – Laboratory of Design and Machining.

Budget: 165K for TEIK.,
Project duration: 15-1-2007 to 30-10-2008.
HMU coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Short project description: The object of this proposal is the construction of scaffolds with a three-dimensional structure in nano-scale. These scaffolds are used to implant cells in order to grow new tissues. For this purpose, the nanofiber electrospinning method will be used, which can be used to fabricate fibers from biocompatible / biocompatible polymers with diameters of about 50 nm-10 μm, in scaffolds with a range of a few microns approaching the size of the implanted cells and the dimensions of the respective extracellular networks.

RDP of Crete: “Support of a cultural heritage promotion unit with emphasis on 3D digitization technologies of churches & other monuments”.

Budget: 129K.
Project duration: 2007 to 2009.
HMU coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Brief description of the project: The mapping of the archeological sites and the traditional buildings and ensembles is a primary infrastructure work for any archaeological, historical or architectural study as well as for their protection and promotion. In the context of such actions, it is proposed to supply a high-precision and long-range 3D Laser scanner that has the ability to directly render the exact 3D shape of the monument. This is a new method of mapping archaeological and non-archaeological sites that utilizes the latest technology and excels in terms of speed and quality of traditional hitherto mapping methods.

Archimedes II: “New Reverse Engineering Algorithms & Application in the Construction of Medical Implants”.

Budget: 50K.
Project duration: 1-5-2005 to 30-6-2006.
HMU coordinator: E. Maravelakis

Short project description: The object of this project is the research in the area of ​​development of prosthetic parts of the human skeleton with original techniques using new CAD models. The prostheses are usually made with the help of traditional casting methods or modern fast prototyping technologies. The predominant phase for the construction of the prosthetic limbs is the design of the prosthetic limb model, which is usually a one-size-fits-all application for the specific patient, while it often concerns emergencies.

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